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Jobs that are Immune from the Coronavirus

Sometime in early to mid-March of 2020, it became clear the coronavirus was here to stay, at least for a little while. Slowly, while people were hunkered down in their homes, many businesses began to suffer. When the lockdown was put in place and certain establishments such as restaurants and bars were ordered to close, things got even worse. There was a snowball effect as people stayed in their homes instead of going out and buying clothes, restaurant meals, movies, and everything else that people normally purchase. People began losing their jobs in record numbers, and it wasn’t yet clear which jobs were immune from the coronavirus.

Then, after the pandemic curve began to flatten, businesses started gradually opening back up. Suddenly, the unusually high unemployment numbers started shrinking as American businesses were hiring again. Many aspects of the economy seemed more promising than they had been in a couple of months, and people began to come out of hibernation and make purchases again. Restaurants and stores opened, and life was resuming with traces of normalcy again.

Fast-forward a month, and some of the coronavirus numbers are higher than they have ever been. States are being forced to revisit some of the methods that had previously flattened the ominous coronavirus curve. As of this writing, that’s where we are right now – states are going back to Phase I, which involves closing businesses again.

Some businesses are more susceptible to this turmoil than others during this curve-flattening attempt which consists of complete closures, followed by opening with 25% capacity, then 50% capacity, then hopefully full capacity. It is a nightmare and a guessing game for certain industries, and many businesses have not survived.

However, there are industries that have remained seemingly unscathed by the detrimental effects of the notorious COVID 19. Some of these industries are even surviving and thriving better in the current climate than they were before the deadly virus changed the world forever. What are these industries, and why have they succeeded while others have tanked? Let’s take a look.

What Jobs are Immune from the Coronavirus?

Depending on where you are in the US, there have been laws, mandates, and suggestions of how we should proceed during the pandemic. Most places have gone through periods of self-quarantine or lockdown, requiring us to stay home as much as possible. If Americans aren’t going out to stores, friends’ houses, restaurants, and bars, they are staying home working, playing, eating, and drinking.

Take Out Food and Grocery Delivery Services – There are several take-out delivery services that will go to a restaurant, pick up your order, and bring it to your house. Some of the more popular ones are Uber Eats, Grubhub, and DoorDash, and these drivers will bring food to your house already prepared and ready to eat. Some companies such as Instacart will visit grocery stores, do your shopping, and deliver groceries to your front door. Of course, there will be some sort of fee involved, but if that keeps you in your house safe from the coronavirus, those few extra dollars are well worth it. This business is booming, and the drivers are having no trouble filling their hours for a full workweek.

Home and Office Cleaning Services – During this virus pandemic, all medical professionals and experts in virology agree on a few steps we can take to protect ourselves and others. They suggest social distancing, wearing a mask, and sanitizing our hands in addition to doorknobs, counters, steering wheels, and anything else we are prone to touching. The fact that ‘home and office cleaning services’ is a booming business right now is no surprise to anyone. Businesses contact these companies to come after hours and completely sanitize a business, restaurant, store, or office building. These services will also come to your home and clean and sanitize every nook and cranny in your home. Especially if you have a big family, you can’t keep track of who has been where and what they have brought into your house. This business is humming right along, and there is money to be made cleaning.

Handyman Services – In our current environment, many businesses have decided to allow their employees to work from home. With people staying home so much, they are realizing the imperfections in their own homes and want to do something about it. Since we’re not going out and spending money as much as we normally do, there is extra cash on hand. People take pride in their homes, and they will pay to have someone come in and fix that toilet that won’t stop running, or patch that leaky gutter, or lay down a new luxury vinyl plank floor for a fresh new look in their home. People with handyman talents are staying extremely busy right now.

Plumbers and HVAC Installers/Repairmen – These guys are carrying about the same workload they normally do, but maybe more because more people are staying home and using their air-conditioners/heaters and related facilities more often. No matter what happens to anything or anyone, workers in the plumbing and HVAC industry will always have work waiting on them. These two industries are immune from just about any situation, including a pandemic.

Other Industries That Are Still Going Strong

Other industries that have not been affected by the coronavirus pandemic include alcohol sales, grocery stores, boxed meal companies, home-improvement stores and suppliers, gardening shops, game makers, and workout equipment suppliers. All of these industries are thriving because people have to stay at home, and these industries cater to what people do at home.

Sometime soon, hopefully in the near future, the COVID 19 pandemic will be behind us and we can feel safe leaving our houses and getting back to our usual ways of life. The virus has affected countless industries and jobs, but there are still ways to get out there and make money. Thankfully, the jobs listed here are alive and well and have shown no sign of slowing down.

Do You Need a Loan to Start a New Small Business or Improve Your Existing One?

If you have a business that could profit from the conditions of this current pandemic, or if you want to start a business that you feel will thrive right now, consider taking out a small business loan from Affinity Beyond Capital (ABC). No matter what your needs are, ABC will work with you to either improve your current business or set you up with a new business that can make you lots of money. Call one of our loan specialists today at (833) 234-6489 and let them help you find the loan that fits your business needs.