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Intrusive Marketing – How to Avoid It

Have you ever looked up a product online and then noticed that the same product shows up over and over again every time you get online? Is that a little bit annoying? This is just one example of intrusive marketing.

What is Intrusive Marketing?

Intrusive marketing goes a step or two farther than having an advertiser posting an ad and hoping a consumer sees it. It is perceived as an invasion into a consumer’s personal space. One common example of intrusive marketing is a pop-up ad, which is also known as an intrusive interstitial. Other examples of intrusive interstitials are modals and overlays. You may have seen these when you first land on a page and you encounter a pop-up, modal, or overlay that you must close before reading or seeing anything on that page.

Sometimes interstitials are so intrusive that there will be several of them that cover up the page, and you have to close them all before accessing the content you’re looking for. Google will actually penalize a page if there are too many interstitials. These are all considered intrusive because the viewer didn’t ask for them and feels disrupted. However, advertisers will risk that annoyance in order to put their product in front of the consumer so their message will be noticed and possibly instigate a purchase.

Online Surveillance

Advertisers use algorithms to tailor their ads to match the probable wants and needs of a consumer, and this makes the ads relevant to the consumer. However, these clever advertising “surveillance” methods are not always welcomed. People realize that so much of what they search for and purchase reveals certain information that is viewed and documented by others. Consumers would rather keep their information kept private instead of having it used to manipulate their activity.

Types of Tracking Technologies

The most common type of online tracking technology is the “cookie”. A cookie is a nugget of information that gets placed on your computer by the website you are visiting. It can send information between a consumer and an advertiser or a third party. Advertisers use this information to decide what products to show you. Websites are now required to request your permission to use cookies, and you can decline. reports that one study revealed that 99% of all cookies are used for advertising purposes.

Other tracking technologies include web beacons, pixels, application programming interfaces, tags, and software development kits. Sometimes, the information gathered through these technologies is sold to other parties, and this is what infuriates people more than anything. Their personal information has been gathered and sold, and the consumer might not be aware of any of this type of activity.

How Securely Is Tracked Information Stored?

If you own a computer, credit card, home, or automobile, it’s highly likely that there are several if not hundreds of entities out there that have your information. Right now, you can find out so much information about someone from the comfort of your laptop. Sadly, there are hackers in the world that hack websites and steal information every day. However, there is also excellent antitheft software available.

How to Stop Intrusive Marketing and Information Stealing

The only reliable way of keeping your information out of the hands of advertisers and cybercriminals is by investing in encryption software. Remember, some encryption software offers more or different features than others, so be sure to research which kind would be best for you.

If you want ads to stop, you’ll need to invest in some adblocking software. Just do a little research and find something in your price range that will work for your situation. Some ad blocking software is even free to use.

If you own a business, it’s even more important to protect your data and that of your customers. Encryption software and other data protection technology is worth the investment. It’s also a common business purchase for using your business line of credit.