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5 Ways to Improve Your Business in 2021

Improve Your Business!

It is still very early in the year, but it’s not too late to make a formal resolution that you will improve your business in 2021. Below, you will discover five ways to improve your business methods during 2021 to help it run more efficiently, smoothly, and profitably. This blog discusses business resources, hiring freelancers, negotiations, social media marketing, and selling products online. Your business may do none of these, some of these, or all of these, but you will definitely learn something from the blogs featured below. So don’t wait… Get started now to make your business as great as it can be!

Utilize These Business Resources!

Whether you have been in business for years or you are just starting out, there is always something you can learn to improve your business that can help it run more efficiently or more profitably. Sometimes, business owners just have to do a little research and they will likely learn something new that could help their business. Where do business owners go for help, training, or both? There is,, and many other resources listed in this article including SCORE, a nonprofit agency where you can communicate directly with knowledgeable and successful business leaders from within any field of business. For more information, read the whole article here.

Hire a Freelancer

As many businesses have learned in 2020, an employee does not always have to be physically present to accomplish quality work. In fact, you can get incredibly high-quality work done from a contract or freelance worker and avoid all the overhead including a brick-and-mortar place to work and insurance. With the explosion of technology in past decades, there seems to be no limit to what can be accomplished online or over the phone. And if you ever need the experience of a targeted professional, you can find a  freelancer perfectly suited for a very specific job within a niche field. Whatever it is you need, there is a freelancer out there that possesses those skills. Even if you think the price for that skilled professional may be high, it would surely be cheaper than hiring someone that required 40 hours of the type of salary necessary for someone with those skills. For a look at more benefits and reasons to hire a freelancer, read our two articles in their entirety here and here.

Boost Your Negotiation Skills

In many industries, negotiating is a necessary skill that is utilized often. If a business owner is lacking in negotiation skills, they can end up losing out on substantial amounts of profit or opportunity. Businesses routinely negotiate when dealing with vendors or suppliers, hiring employees, purchasing equipment, getting a loan, or working with investors. This blog covers how to research the person or company you are negotiating with, how to build a relationship with your negotiating opponent, exploring negotiating options, assets that can be used or bartered during negotiations, when to walk away from the negotiating table, and much more. To read the entire blog, click here.

How and Why to Use Social Media for Business Marketing

Up until a couple of decades ago, no one had ever heard of social media. Business marketing was primarily limited to flyers, newspapers, radio, TV, local promotions, and word-of-mouth. Those methods are still around, but most business marketing now takes place through the Internet, and much of that happens through social media. Some of the more popular social media platforms used in business marketing include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Social media offers tremendous opportunities for business marketing, and new methods are being discovered every day. It’s also a more economical method than most of the traditional methods of marketing, and it can produce better results. If your business has not invested in social media marketing yet, you could be missing out on potential profits that your competitors are not missing out on. For more information on how to use social media for your business marketing, read the entire blog here.

Sell Products Online

In recent decades, the popularity of the Internet has introduced a new method of selling products. An expensive brick-and-mortar store with significant overhead is no longer necessary to profitably sell products. Instead, there are many options available to sell your products online including Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Craigslist, and more. This purchasing/selling method has also become even more popular during the pandemic because people don’t want to leave their homes. Instead of going out to a crowded shopping plaza, browsing the aisles at different stores, and potentially exposing yourself to the coronavirus, people would rather sit on their own comfortable couch and browse their computer. If you’d like more information on how to sell products online and what platforms to use, please read the entire blog here.

We hope these blogs are helpful and will provide you with ideas to improve your business in 2021. Even if you have a successful business that has been around for years and years, it is highly likely that you’ll find ideas in his blog that can take your business to the next level. Read these blogs, heed the advice, and get started on making your business even better.